I would hope that our sport advocacy groups are planning for the possibility that the tribes will be fishing and sport fishermen will not... The silver lining to that scenario would be to put the tribes on trial at the highest court in the land. The court of public opinion. I know most probably think that the public doesn't care, but then again when have we had this scenario? Runs falling well short and the only ones on the water killing them are the "stewards of nature"...
For the tribes to put out the publicity that they have, bemoaning the dire situation the fish are in, how hypocritical would it be for them to fish - when we are not wink
The gambling angle is yet another potential way to gain leverage.
We can, as we all know, forget about negating the treaty. So, we are left with negotiation (failed) or gaining leverage. Directing public opinion (about fish and fishing) and going after gambling laws in the state are the two ways I see us gaining the leverage needed to get what we want.
They chose to make this a fight.