Originally Posted By: Bobber Downey Jr.
That must be a fake ad, fish ticket records show that none of those fish are ever sold. The Nooksack spring chinook fishery is strictly a ceremonial and subsistence harvest.

Originally Posted By: OncyT
So then you too are assuming that the tribes can't manage their own fisheries. Sorry, but I don't buy that anymore than someone saying the state can't manager its own fisheries.

I have absolutely no idea how the tribes fishing in the Skagit right now are monitoring their fisheries, but I do know something about how some tribes would be monitoring those fisheries. They would have tribal staff at all the landings on the river checking the catch (I am assuming here that the current fisheries for spring Chinook are probably ceremonial and subsistence more than commercial fisheries, since tribal commercial fisheries would have fish tickets to document sales. I am also assuming that there are probably just a handful of fishers operating, so it would be pretty easy to get a high sample rate.). If they were doing that sort of monitoring would you assume that the tribal staff would be willing to falsify what they saw? Just curious whether or not there is any point in responding further on this thread.

I'm sure the coolers full of fish and garbage cans full of crab have been meticulously recorded.
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."

If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.