Originally Posted By: Steelspanker
Frank, people don't hate trump because he's not liberal. People hate trump because he's a horrible, racist, misogynist, stupid, hateful, xenophobic, corrupt, lying sack of shiit.

There's really nothing more to it than that. I'd hate Trump just as much if he was a Democrat/libtard/whatever.

I am neither a Libtard (liberal) nor a Right Wing Nut Job (conservative). I am neither a Democrat or a Replublican.

Trump •is• a horrible, racist, misogynist, stupid, hateful, xenophobic, corrupt, lying sack of shiit.

Originally Posted By: Jason Beezuz
What the fuk is wrong with you (Hank)?

I don't think there is anything wrong with Hank. I think he's having a great time trolling aboard the FVS Piscatorial Pursuits in the waters off of the Darkside. His bait is exceptional (probably using UEC cure) and the fish of the Darkside seem to be extremely eager to eat his boat. Time and time again.

I'd like to think that one day, the same school of fishes just up and ignores the trolled offerings by Hank. If no one bit his bait, guaranteed he'd STFU, cry on his laptop, and drink a bottle or two or Rose to make the pain go away.

But no. You all just keep eating the bait and he just keeps on trolling.

Almost another guarantee from any habitual and successfull troller is that they don't know when to stop. At some point, his bait will become so rancid, so foul, that it will stink up the waters and attract the Alpha Predator(s) on the Darkside. These sharks are mean, relentless, and once they smell blood, go right after the prey. Once bitten, the bite is always terminal. The troller is forever gone off of Piscatorial Pursuits, the Darkside, and any traces of them are forever wiped away.

It's happened before and it will happen again.

Sometimes the troller will commit suicide or have themselve killed in an act of something that seems appropriate in their minds.

Or, they test the waters with their foul bait and really see if it's true that the lurking sharks will bite.

Bet you all a Dollar the troller responds. He CAN NOT help himself now that I've got in to his mind. He's dwelling on it. Stewing. He can't stop that urge to type. Another sip of his Rose. It's killing him.

Meanwhile, the shark patiently awaits in the dark depths for the time to rise and deliver the fatal strike......

Fish on!
Tule King Paker