What seems to be at the root of politics is a lot of people with all or nothing thinking. Trump is the savior and can do no wrong at all, or Trump is the worst, most despicable person on the planet. Both are extreme lines of thinking and aren’t true. The problem is that most people cannot remain objective enough to truly evaluate a candidate or policies and allow emotions to cloud their judgement.

I like some things that Trump says, but there are more things he says that I do not like. He is neither a unifying leader nor consistent on his policies. That is why I do not favor Trump as a candidate and why he will not get my support. I favor candidates that are consistent on their positions (even if I disagree with them) and who are truth tellers. Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, hell even Marianne Williamson or Bernie Sanders with the latter two speaking well to the problems in this country but offering extreme solutions that I disagree with. But with that said, I wouldn’t rule out voting Bernie if he got the nomination.
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