In other news. the FBI opened a criminal investigation into Trump being a Russian stooge before the Mueller investigation even began.

Nice work by the "liberal media" in getting that out before the election so Trump voters like Hank knew they were voting for a compromised criminal scumbag.

Word on the street is that Trump's already been indicted under seal, and it's just of matter of when his criminal ass is going to have Mueller take a sh!t on him. You know, Mueller, the war hero respected by anyone who isn't a Trump cockgobbler?

Trump's a Russian stooge. All his anti-NATO bullsh!t is because he's a stooge. The government shut down is because he's a stooge. The trade wars are because he's a stooge. His actions in Syria are because he's a stooge. His lack of action in regards to Putin in Ukraine is because he's a stooge.

And now you're a stooge for a stooge, Frank.

Good work. Good effort.

She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell.
I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.

Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames