Originally Posted By: Dan S.
Originally Posted By: Evo
The US Mint doesn't produce cash....

Jesus Christ....

Morning, Nate!

I stand corrected, then. I should have said the BEP.

But here's the thing - I didn't write any letter to Nancy Pelosi saying the US is going to run out of cash. That was Treasury Secretary Mnuchin.

"Based on updated projections, there is a scenario in which we run of out cash in early September, before Congress reconvenes," Mnuchin wrote in a letter.

Sounds serious to me.

Is it not serious?

Did he use the wrong word?

Does he pay bills?

Are they just pen pals?

I'm not sure what to think.

I say let let the Federal Government starve from no money and disintegrate. We don’t need all that beurocracy. What did they do for you yesterday? Keep the military because it is all we need. Make Trump the President General or something. Make all the billionaires the royalty. MAGA

Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.