Originally Posted By: Lucky Louie
Originally Posted By: Lucky Louie
Talking about the swamp,

The House oversight committee plans to hear testimony on Dec. 5 from the prosecutor appointed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The US Attorney John Huber’s investigation with the Justice Department into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any improper activities that includes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian nuclear agency and concerns about the Clinton Foundation.

To this point Huber’s work has remained shrouded in mystery with no leaks in stark contrast of Mueller’s investigation


It looks like it could be a busy first week in December with additional subpoenas of Comey on December 3 and Lynch on December 4. Various congressional oversight committees have been investigating FBI/DOJ actions in the 2016 campaign of which dozens of upper management of the FBI/DOJ have been fired, demoted and forced to resign since then.

Doing a search engine search on the ” FBI/DOJ have been fired, demoted and forced resignations,” alt news extremely out numbers MSM fake news propaganda.

No eek2 surprise here.

What are you going to do when this big batch of secret indictments come out...and they come from Mueller and potentially send a whole bunch MORE of Trump's Criminal Syndicate to jail?

You do know that this is what is actually going to happen, in spite of what Q says, right?

Fish on...


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