Why is it that when most people say "religious freedom" what they really mean is the exact opposite? They usually mean "the freedom to impose my religious beliefs on the rest of you", as OceanSun does in this case.

Since right wingers are fond of telling people to leave America if they don't like it, I'd suggest trying Saudi Arabia or Iran if what you are looking for is a right wing theocratic paradise...that plan can fuckk right off here in the Land of the Free.

I know, I know...your Sky Fairy is the real one, theirs is the fake one, or your Sky Fairy could beat their Sky Fairy in a cage match...but be aware, for non-Sky Fairy believers, all of the fake Sky Fairies are the same, and so are their followers.

Here's a piece of actual "religious freedom" for you...I hope you practice every single bit of your religion, exactly where and how you should...in your church, in your kitchen, and in your own bedroom...and anyone who says you can't can fuckk right off, and I'll stand right there with you to defend that.

However, I also support that for everyone else, and everyone else's religion, not just yours.

That's religious freedom.

Anything else is the same Sharia Law, with different Fairies.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle