Originally Posted By: elparquito
here's how this fiasco of an impeachment trial will be played out:

Today: McDipShit will/has change the rules.
Tomorrow: Democrats argue and whine
Thursday: Democrats argue and whine
Friday: Democrats, argue, whine and are told to STFU.
Saturday: Trump team argues and and receives fat paycheck.
Monday: Trump team argues and and receives fat paycheck
Jan. 28: Trump team argues and and receives fat paycheck
Jan. 29: Senator ask questions and do nothing.
Jan 30: Senator ask questions and do nothing.

Jan 31: Four hours of debate on whether to subpoena witnesses and subpoenas, a vote on witnesses and documents, and a vote on other motions; If all votes fail, which they will, the Senate will move to the acquittal vote. The votes will pass along party lines.

Fatso stays in office.

Told ya.

I was going to say "I win.", but all of America really just lost this game.

Well, a little more than half of American will lose, anyways. The less half of 'merica is too fvcking ignant to realize they have their heads shoved up their asses and all they can see is their own [Bleeeeep!] coating their eyes and will ultimately lose the game we are in now.
Tule King Paker