This is great ! These people go from one train wreck to another.

One failed attempt after another to remove a sitting president.

Let's face it. Ya got Nuthin'. Is that what has you guys pissed off the most ?

You say Trump's a liar and is always lying to the American People.

OK Haters... Just off the top of your'e head, which lie in particular do you feel is the most egregious ? The one that pisses you off the most.

Which lie has your delicate sense of well being upset the most ? Surely since he lies about everything, it should not be to difficult to come up with an example.

What is obvious, as the clouds of November close in, is that the Democratic Party is being torn apart from within. All the hate they have mustered over Trump has nowhere to go and is now overflowing into the Party ranks.

As in nature, when their are to many Rats in the barn, they begin turning on one another.

There's always gonna be payback. It's just the way it is. I am really looking forward to November when the voters have their say.
Just lettin' it roll, lettin' the high times carry the low
Love livin' my life, easy come easy go