There are a couple of reasons why a wide-open oceanarium fishery (at least relative to real abundance and in-river fisheries is favored). Way back (pre Hoh v. Baldridge) the NI ocean fisheries consciously overharvested some weak stocks. The result was that inside fisheries (especially Tribes) were reduced/closed for conservation. While it did keep us close to escapement goals, certain Tribes were always on the short end of the allocation stick.

The decision, essentially, said that the Tribes can't be corked (trolled) out of their share. WDF said that "OK< we'll close the ocean and fish inside". Feds and Tribes said to fish anyway, just balance catches, and (essentially) **rew the escapement.

So, with the outside fisheries, the Tribes get a fixed schedule regardless of run size, to balance the catch. So, if we fish outside less then inside fisheries (if one actually wishes to balance catches) will need to be actively managed, catch counted, and so on with the real risk that Tribal fisheries would need to respond to weak returns in real time.

Autopilot, as shown by Asiana Air in San Francisco is just so much easier.