I don't know how there rest of you feel about Ron Warren, but I can tell you from my experience that I don't trust nor respect him. This is personal from my direct dealings with him. I have heard from others that have said the same thing.

As I said, this is MY experience with him, and others may feel different. I had some very close interactions with Warren and Carpenter during the preceding three years when working on the Open Meeting Campaign, and through the revelation and release of the Ten Year Chinook Salmon Management Plan, and there were some very strong feelings exchanged about trust.

I've decided to send a letter to Director Susewind and Chair Carpenter to let them know that I believe the Directors choice to promote Ron Warren is counter productive in as far as his desire to build better relations with the constituents.

Perhaps if any of you have had the same experience with Ron, you could let Director Susewind know.

I want to give Dir. Susewind the benefit of the doubt that he is trying to make things better, but I also believe he is falling into the same trap that Dir. Unsworth fell into, and that is relying on Ron Warren to be an honorable man. We know how that ended up.
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)