River Nutrients
Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4531
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Hell CM WDFD used run compression in a lot of places including the Chehalis. For those who do not know how you do it is simple. If your goal is to build up the early part of the run you simply take your eggs all off the front. Over several generations you get a higher percentage of the run early as your hatchery production is from parents likely to return early. You can do it the other way around also if one wished. Timing can help size also as Coho that enters now vs one in latter part of Nov has had more time to bulk up on the upwelling.
If talking Coho another way to mix things up is the size you rear them. WDFW goes to somewhere around 18 to 20 fish per lb at release as this will produce the greatest return of adults for $$$ spent on rearing. Now rear them larger a number of things happen. You get many more jacks, the adults will return bigger normally and you get the same amount of adults. Our hatcheries rear salmon just like they do trout. How do you the greatest number of fish for the cheapest price. Quality ( if size is your objective ) is not normally in the mix.
Release strategies also play into things. At the urging of a retired WDFW employee we tried volitional release with a twist. As we had a bunch of man made habitat for juveniles we pulled the screens but kept the pond watered up, kept feeding them a bit longer, and watched. To my amazement about 30% of the Chinook fry hung around in the pond then the habitat until the fall rains then booked. Why? No idea but it taught us a lesson to be sure. The lesson? Fish rearing needs are not necessarily the same as ours as ours are governed by many factors from space to money.
Edited by Rivrguy (09/24/1705:29 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in