River Nutrients
Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4524
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
This is off the model and the Prior tab always had Coho but this time Chinook also. So scroll down to Chinook and sort out the numbers and you will see the problem. After AK & BC most of the damage is done then you have our fisheries and Southern fisheries. So by the time you get terminal it is pretty much done. So the concerns on sharing get a little distorted but bottom line the 21, 824 return to GH is all that is left from the nearly 48,000 ocean abundance prior to marine harvest. If you want the model PM.
Model Run : 1731
GRAYS HARBOR COHO FISHERY Wild Hatchery Total Projected Ocean Escapement 47,872 33,274 81,147 Spawning Escapement Objective 35,400 Projected Marine Exploitation Rate 4% Projected Exploitation Rate (all fisheries) 29% Exploitation in Southern U.S. Marine Fisheries 3% - - - CANADIAN 433 854 1,287 ALASKA 219 154 373 S. of Falcon Troll 40 29 69 S. of Falcon Sport 178 233 411 NORTH OF CAPE FALCON OCEAN: - - Treaty Troll 516 364 880 NT Troll N. Leadbttr 97 151 248 NT Troll S. Leadbttr 89 100 189 Coastal terminal area "dip-ins" 288 196 484 Treaty dip-ins 102 67 169 Non-treaty dip-ins 186 129 315 Sport: Area 1 70 206 276 Buoy 10 14 40 54 Area 2 243 700 943 Area 3 10 28 38 Area 4 * 19 58 77 PUGET SOUND CATCHES: - - Treaty Troll 1 0 1 Sport: Areas 5 19 78 97 Area 6 0 0 0 Areas 7-13 0 0 0 Nontreaty Net 4 2 6 Treaty Net 15 11 26