Well it should be interesting in GH & Willapa. Especially GH where the QIN have been way to aggressive on Chinook.

The federal agency in charge of managing fisheries has ruled four stocks of Pacific Northwest salmon are being overfished.

The National Marine Fisheries Service and the Department of Commerce on Wednesday posted a notice in the Federal Register of the excessive fishing pressures on Chinook and Coho salmon in the Columbia River Basin and along the Washington coast.

The notice, which included overfishing findings for North Pacific swordfish, is meant to alert fishery managers that fishing pressures are driving salmon populations down.

Federal law requires the Pacific Fishery Management Council to take immediate action to end the overfishing.


The notice covers the following four salmon populations:

Summer Chinook in the upper river area of the Columbia River Basin

Fall Chinook in the Willapa Bay area of the Washington coast

Fall Chinook in the Grays Harbor area of the Washington coast

Coho along the Hoh area of the Washington coast.

And another fed link :

Edited by Rivrguy (09/04/15 06:36 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in