We are talking GH here and WDFW priorities are marine fisheries to be sure but it is not that simple especially for Chinook. Many cannot understand why there is no Chinook fishery on the Chehalis and it is very simple and complicated at the same time.

So first up in the world of harvest management our Chinook are managed for Grays Harbor Chinook. No entity other than WDFW separates the Chehalis & Humptulips for harvest.

Next the fact that Alaska & BC are modeled to harvest 11,461 GRAYS HARBOR CHINOOK, and SUS (marine coastal) 300. This leaves 12,024 Chehalis Chinook crossing the bar at Westport.

So in 2023 Chehalis Chinook harvest 1693 remained for a NT share of 847. This is where things get a bit strange for folks. The combined Chehalis Chinook NT impacts are modeled at 645 and QIN are 2225. Now as blood pressure rises this, it is GRAYS HARBOR impacts not Chehalis. In the world of harvest the combined Humptulips & Chehalis Grays Harbor impacts look different. 2023 NT GH Chinook impacts are NT 3076 and QIN are 3306.

So when one objects to Chehalis seasons or conservation needs limiting GH Rec opportunity the numbers do not say that in world of fish managers. Combined NT & QIN 2023 terminal fisheries result in 6,471 Grays Harbor Chinook harvested in terminal fisheries with Rec impacts at 2826. Inriver Rec are modeled at 2179 Humptulips Chinook and then we have C&R mortalities for Chehalis. This also limits Coho harvest as the small number of available Chehalis Chinook impacts available restrict Coho harvest or at the least time on the water for Recs.

So as a good friend of mine says “we are so screwed” with the AK & BC thing! Not just the NT fisheries but the QIN are also terminal fishers also.

This is the world of salmon management and I tell folks the words fair or conservation only come into play in a realistic manner in terminal fisheries.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in