Below is the WDFW response to my objections for the 2020 Fall Salmon season bag limits. The bag limit issue ( removing Chum ) has been resolved. Notice the two fish bag reduction is driven by Coho sharing with the Nation not escapement. I am not sure that I accept that 2 Chum in the bag would drastically increase the natural Coho mortality. Then again it is about aggregate vs Chehalis / Hump split and total number harvested which includes the ocean. ( W+H ) So in the Grays Harbor the Nation has a 3123 lead in Natural Coho but when W & H are combined the NT side is 1502 up. Then add that Chum impacts mostly occur on two streams Wynoochee and Satsop I can see why staff have that view. So there you are.

April 24, 2020

Via Email

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Thank you for your comments during the April 16th meeting of the Grays Harbor Salmon Advisory Group and your follow-up emails from April 19th and April 22nd expressing your concerns regarding chum non-retention and increased bag limit for freshwater recreational fishers proposed for 2020 Grays Harbor salmon fisheries. After reviewing the model inputs, historical catch record card data, 2020 terminal runsize, and management objectives for chum salmon in the Grays Harbor watershed, Agency staff determined that there is sufficient harvestable fish available to not require the release of chum salmon in freshwater recreational fisheries during the months of November and December. This change will be reflected in the upcoming filing of the proposed 2020 Grays Harbor salmon fishery season.

As your letter states the forecasted terminal runsize of chum for Grays Harbor is 32,649 fish but it is important to note that the forecast for natural coho is 47,108 fish. As was discussed during public and advisory group meetings during the 2020 North of Falcon (NOF), the harvest of natural origin coho was constraining with regard to sharing between treaty and non-treaty fishers in order to comply with federal court orders. Given the forecasted abundance of natural origin coho in comparison to chum salmon, your proposal to increase the bag limit of chum would lead to additional encounters of natural origin coho. Cuts to season length or closure of tributary level systems within Grays Harbor would have to be made in order to make your proposal impact neutral to natural origin coho.

This is a good example of the advisory group process functioning in the manner that was envisioned during its creation. The North of Falcon process is fast paced and chaotic and it is very valuable to the Agency to have additional “sets of eyes” on the fishery models and proposals to help inform staff of issues that might have “fallen thru the cracks”. Thank you for your input and continued dedication to the resource and angling public.


Ron Warren
Fish Policy Director

cc: Fish and Wildlife Commission
Kelly Susewind
Kelly Cunningham
Chad Herring
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in