Update time and at the present staff have added some things. First they are labeling suggestions as ideas as from my seat some thought the option things were like the marine. Like 1,2,3 and that is it rather than a work in progress. So we are at two wdfw ideas and five rec suggestions ranging from loosing two weeks in Sept to keeping them and loosing days of the week season long. The commercials have only two suggested seasons.

Staff is modeling the suggestions and so far of the 7 only two meet the 2021 wild Coho 5% non treaty impact cap so far. If you want to propose a season or want the suggestions so far send your suggestion to Mike.Scharpf@dfw.wa.gov or Kim.Figlar-Barnes@dfw.wa.gov.

Oh yeah almost forgot, North Bay is the bay and mouth of the Humptulips and East Bay the bay up to the 101 Bridge.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in