Ok my computer screen is warmmmmm ! Look at it this way if you take the Coho run and graph it by week the curve goes up peaks goes down, with the biggest share of the fish middle two weeks of October. This is based upon years of similiar runsize and harvest by week or days even half days.

It does not take into consideration flows and the fish bloody well doing what fish do to fishers..... screw them over. So it rained very early not once but three times that mattered and take that curve by the weeks and move the peak forward 2 1/2 maybe 3 weeks. The fish shot right upstream and when the QIN went in they were on the backside of the run curve. Really messed with both NT and QIN fishers. Early rain does not benefit bay and tide water but inland it is the gift that keeps giving!

Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in