Four PM"s already, damn you guys are up early! Ok the question boiled down, how could this happen & how could the Quinault Nation allow this? Well as I understand it the nation is entitled to 50% of the harvestable fish that enter into Washington waters not the run. This came about in legal actions and the results of them which included co management. ( somebody correct me if I am wrong )

For those of us in on the ground floor of efforts to stop the decline of our Chinook stocks it became very clear very fast our ability to stop the decline would be limited due to the marine intercept fisheries. In a conversation with Billy Frank years back I blurted out that Boldt got it wrong and I thought Billy was going expire right before my eyes until I added this, "50% of zero is zero " Frankly I never dreamed that we could get to where we are as fast as we have let alone completely ignore the damage that AK & BC do to our Chinook stocks.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in