The Naselle piece is a bit of a bugaboo. Originally we were managing Naselle as a PRIMARY population but in the final WB Policy it was re-designated a CONTRIBUTING population.
The HSRG criteria for contributing:
For integrated populations, the proportion of natural-origin adults in the broodstock should exceed pHOS by at least a factor of one, corresponding to a PNI value of 0.50 or greater and pHOS should be less than 0.30.
We have a HUGE pHOS problem at Naselle... a product of large hatchery releases and a weir that is NOT fish-tight thru the duration of the chinook spawning migration. In other words TONS of hatch strays on the gravel.
Solving the pHOS problem at Naselle will be mission impossible without a dependable weir structure and a means to SELECTIVELY harvest the hatchery surpluses. Sounds a whole lot like the tule problem on the lower Columbia
"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)
"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)