Ah WDFW does not foot the bill it is RFEG & ALEA volunteer funds Doc. Oh and we will continue to disagree especially on your take on inferior which frankly is off. So I thought I would throw this into the mix.

As I am helping a friend out and tied to the computer I thought I would share this. If you want to be upset about Chinook think about this. In 1985 the Chehalis Chinook return for 3 year old was 1010, 4 year old was 3442, 5 year old was 12174, and 6 year old was 4418. By 2014 it is 3/ 2014, 4/12433. 5/2652, 6/0. There is a few years of higher returns but 1985 seemed to be a good choice to tear apart.

Now that is something that everyone should be concerned about. I have sent the preseason model to everyone I can and I urge folks to take the time and look at them. Doc and go around about Chinook every year, two different perspectives. What is not perspective if you look at the run composition by age (=size ) is that the Chehalis Chinook are in serous decline in age and size. With that is the decline in harvest that is only going to get worse not better as the fish keep getting smaller so will their ability to reproduce successfully. This not opinion but rather simple unescapable fact. I sent you the models, don't take my word look for yourself.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in