Didn't stick around for the discussions about regulations... we could run 6 barbed hooks in front of lead and not catch fish upriver this fall.
f4b: It'll be 3 for 16 after this season. My sense is that Ron and Kurt are the Agrncy's fall guys, and they don't have anything to say about what seasons are set; it's a foregone conclusion each year, and Phil Anderson makes the calls. The commercial bias is really shining through now, though. Sarcastic remarks like (paraphrasing) "What do you want me to do - jump in the river and put a salmon on a hook for you?" are starting to wear thin. "I AM the Department of fisheries" (a direct quote) was a good one, too.
Wonder how many days the QIN will take after they see that schedule? I'll be surprised if we don't see somebody's nets in the water 6 out of 7 days a week from October on. This may be the year I can take my mind off salmon and spend some serious time fishing late summer runs....