Yes, I know of the situation.

His name is Dennis, and our buddy Zack was fishing with him. They had just launched, motored out and started to fire up the main when he crumpled at the wheel.
Zack tried to flag down surrounding boats but nobody responded(luckily, in hindsight).

Zack did CPR and got the boat to one of the small docks on the opposite shore where an angler there saw what was going on and called 911, he also helped moor the boat so Zack could stay focused of CPR. The medics were able to come down the dock, get him off the boat onto a backboard and attached the automatic CPR strap then got him up to the ambulance.
Meanwhile I met with Zack at the launch, we trailered the boat and the cops busted into his truck for us, the rest of the day was spent connecting with his wife and family to get them in town.
He suffered a massive blood clot the bottom chamber or whatever of his heart, they were able to put a stint in a regain good flow, solving that issue. Since CPR was done so quickly and since advanced medical care arrived so soon after we are hopeful to him waking up, he is currently in recovery and we will know more in the next 72 hours.

I stopped to see him this morning and he was looking good as could be in the situation, his body is strong, we need prayers for the rest. His wife Karla is hanging in there but could also use all of our thoughts and prayers.

Fish gills are like diesel engines, don't run them out of fuel!