
Originally Posted By: bobrr

We pray for dry weather through Oct. 10.

Good for Bay and river, to about South Montesano BUT area above South Montesano, and tributaries could get costly if you have jet boat and are not skilled at running the boat.

If you try to move up or down at the lower part of the tide water influence, as one operator found out, better be skilled at taking lower unit off and "moving shims" from bottom to top of impeller. Gravel bars have changed above South Montesano.

Don't forget hatchery Adult Coho and hatchery/Wild Coho jacks are the only legal fish above South Montesano, after 10/01/2021.

Tributaries and Chehalis above Montesano.....need rain, both to aid fish, in spawning run and fishermen chasing their legal chance.

Stay safe!!!!!!

Edited by DrifterWA (09/06/21 06:21 AM)
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"