Your welcome DS. On flows as the yearly panic on water flows has sets in with the Chehalis is about half way between average 420 cfs and record low flows of 300 cfs sitting at 380 cfs and dropping at Porter. For the Chehalis this is normal as it is a rain driven watershed not snow melt run off. This pattern will stay the same until November. Our risk in the basin for fish is if it does not rain around the first week of Nov and that causes fish to return and spawn differently.

Frankly right now the river is looking fine, flows will drop as usual but we are hanging out in good flow territory. Could be better but much better than the dry years of the early 90's. We seldom have summer rains in Sept that alter this pattern much other than little events that bounce the river some but only temporarily.

So what we will likely see is the salmon will start in normally, ( unless they decide differently ) move upstream to stage up and wait for rain. The one thing that is always the same is they will not move to spawning areas until the beaver ponds and swamps get enough water to keep them full. On the East Satsop it is rather dramatic as you get a rise you will get the browning of the water but it is just run with dust and crap. When the ponds dump the East Satsop actually turns a golden black color for about a day or so depending on the size of the rain event. Then Coho from the bay up will move rapidly upstream.

So flows and temperatures are normal ( water temp hit 70 during the heat wave but dropped back down ) for now and as I said the river is happy.

Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in