Soft bite
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 11/11/08
Posts: 147
Loc: Central Park
Management results from last year can only be considered tragic. Tragic from the standpoint of the destruction of the Chehalis Chinook run and tragic from the standpoint of missed recreational opportunity for Chum.
From my perspective there are four key failure areas:
1. Disfunctional co-management with two different harvest plans for one resource. (Probably not much we can do about it at NOF.)
2. A NOF plan that starts with an imprecise run size estimate and and plans to kill every last theoretically available fish. (The term imprecise is a ephemism for a WAG.)
3. No in-season adjustments are ever intended regardless of new information about actual run size.
4. The harvest model that was used to kill the last theoretical fish had so many arithemetic errors that it was not capable of predicting actual harvest.
Out of this list I think we could make the best improvement by starting with a conservative view of the run size and then making in-season adjustments if the run actually materalizes. I am coming from a perspective that recovery of weak Chinook runs is a desirable result.