Chad sent the final model out but until the Adviser ZOOM meeting Thursday the where / why is a little unknown, well sorta. The Nation went right to the GH Aggregate of all streams ( which is their right to do ) and appears to have maintained sharing demands. In other words the Nation is entitled to 50% after the fish enter WA ST waters which means NT charters, sport, and trollers count into our sharing terminal. Larger ocean catch the smaller NT terminal catch.

So it looks to be normal jack season 8/1 to 9/15 followed by a two week no fishing window 9/15 to 10/1. 10/1 through Nov 1 fish bag limit and release Chinook . After Nov 1 release Chum also. The bay fishery is 9/23 Nov 30 release Chinook.

Hump is 2c 8/1 to 9/15 hatchery only Chinook and Coho. The river is Sept. 1-Sept 30 2 Adult bag: release wild Chinook and wild Coho. Oct. 1-Oct 31 1 Adult bag: 1 may be Chinook, release wild Chinook and wild Coho, Nov release chum
Nov 1-Dec 31 1 Adult bag: release Chinook, chum, and wild Coho

And before my ears get fried, no I do not know why the two week off the water window but that is what the Rec season modeled is. Yes it means the inriver Rec is off the river in two prime weeks followed by fishing behind the Nation fishers for the next three weeks as they fish 3 days a week. We will have to wait for staff to explain the rational.

The NT Commercials have one day week of 10/18 and three days week of 10/25. The Nation start fishing week of 10/4 and two days a week in weeks 10/11 & 10/18. Off the water for two weeks then back in the water in Nov with three days a week. Last week of Nov on it is five days a week.

Edited by Rivrguy (04/14/20 01:30 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in