
Originally Posted By: Lifter99
It is always dumbfounding to me that you can keep a wild chinook in the ocean off Westport but no chinook retention(wild or hatchery) whatsoever in the Chehalis system. I guess money talks.

I agree....what's even more amazing to me. Oregon and California cut way back on commercial and sports because "they see a major problem", but not WDFW. off the coast.

WDFW managers only see their areas of assignment, I will give them credit on the hatchery only Coho. IMO, Chinook should be a "hatchery only" until the Chinook numbers, in the Chehalis system make escapement numbers, X numbers of years in a row.

The ocean season, needs to have the seasons shortened, more on the backend so more fish can cross the bar.
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"