This hearing got by me as it is not in the schedule so I think a repost is helpful. Now this bit is about the harvest model & the calculations utilized by the Excel spreadsheet. For the past several years Softbite and others have been constantly pointing out errors in the model but frankly folks that thing is a mess and tomorrow is the first time the private consultants review will be made public. A little known fact is WDF&W contracted with a consulting firm to review the model accuracy and the consultants review will become part of the record. It will be a little unusual to watch the process roll out tomorrow. So below is the meeting time and location.

The technical panel consisting of numerous WDFW staff, two from the Twin Harbors Fish & Wildlife Advocacy, and a representative of the commercial fishery have been meeting regularly to correct errors and develop means to improve the reliability and accuracy of the GH fall season harvest model used in setting seasons in the Grays Harbor terminal. In addition, WDFW contracted with a outside consulting firm to go through the model and come up with recommended changes as well.

A results of this effort will be presented in a public workshop on Monday, 3/10/2014 in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building from 2 pm - 5 pm. The public is invited and an opportunity for the public to ask the panel members questions will follow the presentation.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in