Well Bob one last time on numbers. Non treaty share Chin 550 Coho 5904 total available. Impacts off modeled seasons Bay Chin 51 Coho 278, Fresh water Chin 158 Coho 1274, Commercial Chin 12 Coho 459, Chehalis Tribe Chin 92 Coho 255.

Then you add that the Hump is separated for harvest from the Chehalis by WDFW only, not the tribes or Feds and Hump Coho are modeled at minus 1759 which means it does not make escapement and is really short.

Finally BC and AK will take as many Chehalis Chinook as cross the bar and non treaty impacts are relatively minor. 550 Chinook would last about a week with a take fishery. Coho maybe available but it is about limiting success. Your two and off the water is pure BS and you damn well know it. Just the last two weeks of Sept a keep fishery burned enough in harvest that we would loose Nov and Dec.

As to hatchery releases or escapement numbers you can look them up on WDFW's website. Pretty simple click here click there scroll around. Only takes a few minutes Bob.

Little edit: As to the Bay fishery anyone that fishes it is lucky. I say lucky because when WDFW implemented it the Deputy Director and Fish Program guaranteed the local community that only available fish that above the 101 bridge could not take would be taken. As we all know that did not last a minute once salt water Phil followed by Mr. Ron came along.

So we all suffer from broken promises and a long list of just plain crap. Staff did their best I think and Chehalis harvest staff less has than zero influence on WDFW's budget. Want to argue your case go drag Director Kelly out of his basement he has been hiding in for over a year. With Warren gone he has one less body running interference.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in