A new wrinkle to watch play out and it is explained minus exactly what the error was / is.

Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to keep the advisors up to date on information pertaining to the 2019 NOF process.

As you may be aware, the March meeting of the Pacific Fishery Management Council is currently ongoing. In the background of the council meetings in the big room, Department staff have been meeting with our tribal co-managers and representatives from federal agencies. Through these discussions and in reviewing data that informs the forecast model for Chinook, an error was found in the run reconstruction data relating to sport catch on the Humptulips. The QIN and WDFW are working collaboratively on resolving this issue.

What does this mean for the forecast? Recall from the forecast meeting on February 26th, we presented Grays Harbor salmon forecasts and made the statement that they were all agreed too with our co-managers. We are still in agreement with the method, unfortunately, due to the error described above, the outcome of the model for Grays Harbor Chinook (both Humptulips and Chehalis Rivers) will change. Once we have completed our work to correct the data and generate a new forecast value we will circulate that and update information on the agency website.

Chad Herring
South Coast Fishery Policy Lead
Montesano Regional Headquarters
48 Devonshire Rd
Montesano WA, 98563
Cell #:(360)470-3410
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in