River Nutrients
Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4533
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Following up here and Chad forwarded the e mail on to me.
Hello Advisors:
Back on November 3rd, the Department closed the commercial fishery in Willapa Bay to preserve impacts on chum. This was based on pre-season forecast information. To date we have collected spawning ground data that points toward a larger than forecasted escapement and along with harvest estimates yields a larger runsize. Based on this newer information, the Department is considering re-opening the commercial fishery directed at coho. The impact rate on chum would remain below 10%.
Estimated Index Escapement (56% of Total Basin) 33,325 Estimated Total Basin Escapement 59,509 Hatchery Escapement to Date 2,250 Fishery Mortalities to Date 5,858
2016 Estimated Runsize 67,617 10% of Runsize 6,762
Remaining Allowable Harvest 904 Projected Harvest in Remaining Commercial Fishery 110 Projected Harvest in Remaining Recreational Fishery 120
Projected Final Impact Rate on Chum 9%
We would like to offer a conference call this afternoon at 4PM for those who can make it and are interested in talking through the details. We are sorry for the short notice.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in