Little back some of us were wondering what the numbers look like for escapement. Mike Scharpf got back to us and this a snap shot of were we are this year on escapement. I would have bet that the Chinook did better, this rain sure made those fish act differently.

From: Mike Scharpf

Thanks for your patience. I’ve updated my Chinook redd in-season update model that gives me an idea how this seasons redd count looks. There’s an interesting mix, but overall, numbers of Chinook redds in ten select index reaches enumerated this season is about half the average. With that said, there has been high water this season and many of these indexes are mainstems, and survey conditions haven’t been great. We haven’t completed a survey in on the Skookumchuck yet, visibility and high flows have prevented any. These numbers don’t include any of the supplemental surveys or in smaller, less influential index reaches, so this are very preliminary. We aren’t sure yet how this year’s flows have influenced spawner distributions. With what has been enumerated in these ten indexes in my model, the spawning escapement may be around 9,000 to 9,500 fish. Coho numbers, however, are looking pretty good.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in