The question of how Mr. Anderson got his authority to unilaterally change seasons or add them is in the paragraph below.

Delegation of Authority
The Commission delegates the authority to the Director, through the North of Falcon
stakeholder consultation process, to set seasons for recreational and WDFW-managed
commercial fisheries in Grays Harbor, to adopt permanent and emergency regulations
to implement these fisheries, and to make harvest agreements with treaty tribes and
other government agencies.

Now just how & what Mr. Anderson is expected to do is in the performance agreement below.

Fish and Wildlife Commission and
Director Philip Anderson
Performance Agreement - July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014

The Fish and Wildlife Commission (Commission) and Director Philip M. Anderson (Director), agree to work together and respect their unique roles and responsibilities. The Executive Performance Elements (Attachment A) will be the primary tool used to evaluate the Director's key competencies.

The Priority Actions (Attachment B) represent the key indicators of the Director's performance that reflect the Commission's general expectations. The priorities listed therein are selected from the draft 2013-15 Strategic Plan. These actions are identified as the Commission's highest level performance outcomes and will be reflected, as appropriate down through the Departments accountability system (e.g., program operational plans and individual staff evaluations).

The Commission and the Director agree to review and update the list of Priority Actions as the need arises in response to budget reductions or significant changes in management direction.

Part I: Roles and Responsibilities
It is recognized that together the Commission and the Director comprise the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The Commission is responsible for the policy governance of the Department within the parameters established by the State Legislature and serves as the public trustee of the state's fish and wildlife resources.

The Director is supervised by the Commission and is responsibl e for hiring agency staff and managing the Department in a manner that is consistent with statutory requirements established by the State Legislature, state and federal law, and with the policies adopted by the Fish and Wild life Commission.

The Commission will act as a body, speaking with a unified voice and acknowledges that the strength of the body is derived from the diversity of viewpoints brought together through its decision-making process. The Chair of the Commission is responsible for ensuring that the Commission accomplishes its responsibilities.

Commission committees will be used primarily to gather, discuss, and analyze information relative to policy issues or rules that are anticipated to come before the full Commission. Committees are intended to function as a forum that allows for more informal discussions between commissioners and/or with staff. The Director will be copied on E-mail communications between committee chairs and the committee's lead staff support person. Infmmation and data requests made by a committee that requires a significant staff workload will be presented as part of the committee's report to the full Commission and considered through the Commission's "Blue Sheet" process. Committees do not have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Commission.

Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission
Director's Performance Agreement Page I

Commission 's "Blue Sheet" process. Committees do not have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Commission.
The Commission and the Director agree to be mutually supportive, maintain a positive working relationship, and conduct their relationship based on mutual respect while acting in a manner that is consistent with the following principles:

• The Commission and Director will work together as a team in fulfilling the Department's responsibilities of preserving and •protecting the state's fish and wildlife resources and providing fish and wildlife related activities for the citizens of Washington.
• The Commission and the Director commit to maintaining a strong working relationship founded in open and candid communication.
• The Commission will focus its attention on policy matters and setting clear performance outcomes for the Director, leaving the Director sufficient flexibility to be agile and utilize his creativity in adapting to changing circumstances.
• Individual Commissioners will communicate their concerns relative to policy matters with the Director 's Office . Ifdirect communication by a commissioner with staff a member regarding substantive issues is needed such communication will be coordinated with the Director 's Office.

Part II: Communication Actions and Strategies
• The Director's Office will provide a report at each regular Commission meeting that • includes updates on current events and emerging issues, and budget and administrative matters .
• The Director's Office will provide the Commission with periodic progress reports on the items contained in the Priority Actions listed in Attachment B.
• The Director and the Chair of the Commission will communicate regularly to ensure that the Commission and the Director's Office actions and activities are supportive of each other and aligned with Commission policy direction and the success of the Department.

Part III: Performance Evaluation Process
• The Commission will conduct an evaluation of the Director's performance of his responsibilities during an executive session of the full Commission.
• The Director's evaluation will be based on the Executive Performance Elements contained in Attachment A and the Priority Actions contained in Attachment B.

Date Dat(r 7

Washin gton Fish and Wildlife Commission
Director's Performan ce Agreement Page 2

Executive Conduct

Overall Conduct
The Director must assure that no organizational practices, activities, decisions, or circumstances are allowed that are unlawful, imprudent, or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics and practices.

Work Ethic
The Director must act as a role model for staff. The Director is expected to be personally accountable for the accomplishments and shortcomings of the agency. The Director is expected to assume di rect responsibility for all aspects of agency leadership.

Strategic and Visionary Leadership
The Director must demonstrate strategic and visionary leadership. The Director is expected to assess and decide the best way to achieve substantial cost savings, while preserving critical functions and increasing agency efficiency. He must lay the foundation for a stronger and more effective and respected agency, by directing the strategic elimination oflower priority activities and the consolidation of effort and energy in higher priority programs.

Problem Solving
The Director should make progress in resolving longstanding problems. The Director is expected to be energetic and creative in looking for innovative means to address priority issues and conflicts among constituent groups. He must actively seek out new ideas and methods that may be brought to bear to advance the agency's mission.

Conservation Ethic
The Director must be motivated by a strong conserYation ethic: a determination to place the highest priori ty on the long-term interests of the resources and their habitat. The interests of the public and specific user-groups are important , but they cannot supersede the welfare of the fish and wildlife populations we are charged with managing. The Director must establish a record of makin g decisions that will lead to the recover y of depleted resources.

Performance and Accountability
The Director must keep the workforce motivated to pursue excellence. The Director is expected to set high standards for performance and foster a climate in which all employees strive to meet those standards. He is also expected to see that supervisors provide regular positive reinforcement to recognize excellence. He must demonstrate expertise in management techniques that effectively hold employees accountable.

Resource Management Expertise

Scientific Rigor
The Director must work closely with the scientific community in building a defensible scientific basis for resource management. He is expected to have a working understanding of scientific analyses and quantitative methods used to study fish and wildlife population dynamics as well as the health and productivity of habitats.

Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission
Director's Performance Agreement Attachment Page I

Integrated Resource Management
The most effective approach to species management considers the full range of factors affecting ecosystem services including predator-prey dynamics, habitat conditions, and socio-economic values. The Director should pursue this approach to maximize effectiveness of service delivery.

Enhance Recreational Opportunities
Within the capability of the land and other resources , enhancement of wildlife related recreational opportunities is among the highest priorities for the agency. A dedicated effort should be made to explore options for enhancing and expanding recreational opportunities.

Maintain the Stability and Economic Well Being of the Commercial Fishing Industry
A dedicated effort should be made to assess, monitor , and enhance the stability and economic well being of the commercial fishing industry.

Collaboration and Communication Competencies

Strengthen and Modernize Communications
Agency communications are a "mission-critical" function that must keep pace with contemporary times. Implementation of a clearly articulated agency communication strategy is a high priority.

Enhance Tribal Relationships
Washington is home to Indian Tribes that in many cases have overlapping authorities and jurisdictions relative to the management of fish and wildlife resources. The Director is expected to maintain and enhance the Department' s working relationships with the tribes and seek to manage resources consistent with joint management plans where appropriate.

Working with Stakeholders
The Director is expected to have a personal manner that works well with constituents from all backgrounds. He must approach his authorities and responsibilities with humility and open­ mindedness. He is expected to display an attitude that inspires others to join in collaborative processes, because they are confident of being treated fairly. He is expected to maintain a profe ssional demeanor.

Expand Opportunities with Environmental and Non-Traditional Constituents
Recreationists who do not hunt or fish, but appreciate wildlife, are important constituents for the agency. Surveys have shown that these "non-traditional" stakeholders represent a significant portion of the public in Washington State. Ways to establish new relationships with these constituents and enlist their support should be found.

Washington Fish and Wildl ife Commission
Director's Performance Agreement Attachm ent Page 2

Goal 1: Conserve and protect native fish and wildlife
Aqencv Strategy Deliverable for 2013-15 Program Implement Wolf Conservation and 1. Attempt to radio-mark at least one wolf from each confirmed wolf pack. Wildlife Management Plan to recover wolves while 2. Provide technical assistance and pursue cost-share agreements with livestock Wildlife addressing wolf-livestock and wolf - operators to avoid and minimize wolf -livestock conflicts.
ungulate conflicts. 3. Monitor ungulate populations to determine potential wolf impacts. Wildlife Implement actions to reduce risks to 4. Complete planned hatchery repairs and improvements to enhance fish production. CAMP native salmon and steelhead from 5. Implement improved broodstock management for hatchery programs consistent Fish operating hatcheries. with the goal of achieving the HSRG broodstock standards for all hatchery
programs by 2015.
6. Evaluate alternative hatchery production options to provide increased fishing Fish opportunities for recreational and commercial fishers.
Improve effectiveness of HPA Program to 7. Approved culvert water crossing and marine bank protection hydraulic projects Habitat protect fish life. show compliance and effectiveness.
Ensure impacts to native fish from 8. Provide a report on at-risk stocks of wild steelhead , limiting factors, recommended Fish fisheries are consistent with conservation management actions, and implementation of the Statewide Steelhead
goals. Management Plan.
9. Evaluate alternative approaches and develop an improved approach for the Fish management of Puget Sound Chinook under the Endangered Species Act.
10. Complete by December 1, 2013 annual fishery management plans for coastal Fish steelhead that meet conservation and catch-sharing objectives.
11. Enhance the effectivenes s of Zone 6 commerci al fisheries rules by working with the Enforcement tribes and ODFW to implement concurrent regulations for the Zone 6 fishery. and Fish
12. Develop with the Quinault Tribe a consistent fishery management approach for Fish Grays Harbor Chinook and coho salmon.
Increase WDFW leadership and 13. Lead monitoring efforts and secure BPA funding to conduct restoration activities Habitat participation in conducting restoration on DFW lands and to coordinate restoration and monitoring throughout the basin.
activities in the Columbia Basin.
Correct fish passage barriers on county 14.Identify and prioritize county and city owned fish passage barriers for correction. Habitat and city lands and implement provisions Implement monitoring of all road crossings on WDFW lands to ensure continued
from U.S. v. Washington case. compliance with the court injunction.
Establish PHS as the agency's primary tool 15. Update PHS data and management recommendations. Develop cross program Habitat that identifies habitats and species to process to prioritize habitats and species in PHS.

Goal 1: Conserve and protect native fish and wildlife (continued)
Agency Strateqy Deliverable for 2013-15 Program
Establish desired ecological conditions on WDFW Wildlife Area s and evaluate their status using ecological integrity
assessments . 16.Implement pilot program to use citizen science volunteers to conduct ecological monitoring at four wildlife areas. Wildlife
Prepare for future conditions that will
result from climate change. 17.Adaptation strategies to climate change are developed for the future sustainabili ty
of Washington 's priority habitats and species. Habitat
Enhance laws and regulations to improve the implementation of aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention sta ndards to
prevent the spread of AIS in Washington. 18. Prepare a legislative package for the 2014 session that will improve enforceability of AIS laws and rules, reduce risks of AIS, and provide for enhanced penalties and fees. Fish and Enforcement

Goal 2: Provide sustainable fishina. huntinQ, and other wildlife-related recreational and commercial experiences
Aqency Strateqy Deliverable for 2013-15 Program
Advance implementation of mark selective fisheries through focusing on alternative commercial fishing gear in the Lower Columbia River. 19. Create an industry advisory board and complete other steps necessary to implement an ex perimental fishery with alternative mark-selective commerci al fishing gear.
20. Test and report on the effectiveness of alternative commercial fishing gear and recommend release mortality rates to use in fishery management. Fish

Find innovative ways to improve access to public and private lands to enjoy fishing, hunting and other outdoor recreational opportunities. 21. Promote recreational opportunities on WDFW lands based on the Wildlife Program's "recreation identity" initiative.
22. Expand publicity about Puget Sound diving opportunities.
23. Work with Washington Tourism Alliance (WTA) to promote non-consumptive recreation opportunities in WTA's Experience Washington promotions.
24. Complete the Hunt by Reservation System by the fall 2013 hunting seasons .
25. Complete access area projects funded by the Legislature in the capital budget.
26. Provide ADA accessible facilities where appropriate. PA & CR
and Wildlife PA & CR

Wildlife CAMP
Prevent the illegal taking and trafficking of fish and wildlife species. 27. Develop,with other state agencies and the tribes, a strategy to improve the effectiveness of catch accounting in tribal and state managed fisher ies that includes a scoping assessment of the need, feasibility, and cost to implement an electron ic fish ticket system for all commercial fisheries and an electronic, certification tagging system for tracking shellfish. Enforcement and Fish
Improve methodology of estimating status of fish and wildlife populations and harvest modeling. 28. Complete fieldwork and initiate analysis to estimate the abundance of PS rockfish.
29. Develop an improved moose population estimate. Fish


Goal3: Promote a healthy economy, protect community character, maintain an overall high quality of life, and deliver high-quality customer service.
Agency Strategy Deliverable for 2013 -15 Program
Increase recruitment and retention of customers by improving the marketing of fishing, hunting, and wildlife watching
opportunities. 30. Establish a WDFW marketing team to work with the Director to establish agency- wide priorities and adopt strategies and performance measures. PA & CR
Timely and effective measures are
provided in response to wildlife-related conflicts. 31. Transition certain problem wildlife responsibilities from Enforcement to Wildlife Prograrri in FY14. Wildlife
Increase WDFW outreach to key stakeholders and the public to improve citizen engagement and participation in the Department's decision-making processes. 32. Improve the effectiveness and transparency of the North of Falcon process by providing a web page for public comment and the posting of fishery performance information (including treaty-non-treaty sharing of impacts).
33. Engage stakeholders and the public in the development and completion of an enhanced Grays Harbor sal mon and sturgeon management framework.
34. Conduct targeted outreach to recreational organizations rega rding the results of
HPA and fish passage proqram improvements. Fish and PA & CR


Promote the value and economic benefits of WDFW -managed programs by expanding communication with local community and business leaders. 35. Develop new and enhanced partnerships with recreation advocates and business associations to promote the economic, environmental and community benefits of WDFW programs.
36. Meet with local and regional economic development councils,tourism bureaus and chambers of commerce to share information and identify opportunities for collaboration.
37. Publicize the economic and job impacts of WDFW outsou rcing of construction work
to local contractors around the state. PA & CR


Goal 4: BuHd an effective and efficient organization by supporting our workforce,. improving business processes, and investing in technolOQv.
Agency Strategy Deliverable for 2013-15
Increase workforce satisfaction and productivity by investing in a comprehensive agency training program and career development process. 38. Develop a Department training and career development program that improves employee knowledge,skills,and abilities and supports succession within the Department. All Programs
Improve agency processes by creating a Lean culture. 39. Develop a long-range plan to create a culture of continuous improvement (Lean) within the Department and implement priority process improvement projects during the biennium. Lean Office
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in