About 77,100 lower Columbia River “tule” Chinook are expected to return this year, a reduction from the 2022 return of 87,542 fish. Approximately 213,200 total Columbia River tule Chinook, comprised of lower river and Bonneville Pool stocks, are forecast to return this year. These fish make up a sizeable portion of the recreational ocean fishery. Chinook returns to Willapa Bay and the Chehalis and Humptulips rivers are also expected to decline slightly in 2023

This is from the last WDFW press release and you have got to love the word smithing WDFW does. Decline slightly in GH & Willapa is what it says but a better way to say it absolute disaster! Nearly 50% of the fall Chinook run will be taken by the massive marine harvest in BC & AK . Nobody objects including the QIN. WE have become a bit like sheep being sheared.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in