Ed's point of view is anything but holistic. I think his article is grabbing at every point of interest that supports the Tribe's continued harvest, which is priority number 1. It's true that hatchery salmon contribute to the ecosystem, but wild salmon contribute better by dispersing in watersheds far more than any hatchery run does. As for nourishing orcas, the Puget Sound hatchery Chinook salmon have become so small in body size, and so narrow in their timing window, that their overall contribution to orca, or specifically the Southern Resident Killer Whales, recovery is negligible, unfortunately. Managing for abundant hatchery salmon has been just as much a killer of wild salmon as loss of habitat has been. Hatchery salmon are not holding the ecosystem together. Hatchery salmon are supporting the harvest of salmon more than anything else. And that's not a bad thing when we clearly want harvestable salmon. We ought to at least be honest about our wants and intentions.