Short and sweet, fishing stinks. The access road from the nuke site is locked requiring a good walk for a couple of miles making life difficult for the bank fisherman. Seems work down around the pump houses is going to be done. After that some jacks are being caught above South Monte but it is very spotty from few caught to zip next day. Some Chinook hanging out but they do not seem to be going anywhere at least that anyone sees but they do prefer darkness when moving. What is around are some rather large sturgeon that do like to go straight in the air and fall over like a tree. It is like the river is stuck where it is whatever that is and everything is in a waiting mode. I have seen this before during the dry years of 90 to 93 and the year Steve shut things down.

I am told the Humptulips is experiencing a similar pattern for fresh fish moving in stream from the bay. I am sure if your in the right spot at the right time you can get something. It is the finding the right spot / time that is a bitch.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in