
It is confusing. The hatcheries on Willapa Bay tributaries generally used the chinook native to their home stream as hatchery broodstock, except Nemah because it had few native chinook. Then since the 1960s Willapa Bay has been managed as a terminal area hatchery stock wipe out fishery. This imposes very high harvest rates on whatever native wild salmon stocks remained, basically extirpating them. Wild chinook in Willapa are the product of hatchery chinook spawning in the natural environment. These are the wild chinook being impacted in the sport and commercial fishery. WDFW is trying to restore a wild chinook run in the Naselle River, but it isn't a good fit with the management model that is trying to have all the hatchery surplus chinook harvested in gillnets. They've got something of a "can't get there from here" situation going on.

Hopefully less confusing now.
