Some of us have been tracking the Late Coho at Bingham. Jan. 7 2021 they had 500 returning adults and this year 2022 same date 750. While everyone has been in a bit of a tizzy over the Steelhead shut down from my perspective it was not needed just for Steelhead but also wild late Coho which are in worse shape. As the hatchery releases have the same it is a good to see what the difference the shut down is having. So if the pattern remains that normal timed Coho had holds true then this is good news. The Wynoochee trap is also up so I think it will. By removing harvest and you get a 50% increase should indicate to the most fervent denier that we have a harvest problem across the board in the Chehalis Basin. For the tidewater tribs which are failing miserably to make salmon and Steelhead escapement this is very good news!
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in