Having my e mail go up in flames with questions concerning the GH Management process that I simply could not give a definitive answer to I asked the question of WDF&W staff:

About the GHMP redo schedule. Several folks have asked me a question I do not have the answer to so………….. The January Commission meeting is to do what? The Commission moved the so called policy sideboards to public comment for 30 days so is the January meeting going to be where you present the completed GHMC draft redo? The Commission meeting February is to adopt the completed redo of GHMP or just the policy guidelines? Just what exactly is the timeline & schedule and just what is the document that the public will to see? The completed GHMP or policy guidelines to review and comment on?

Which resulted in this response:

I can not always predict what will happen at a Commission meeting, but here is my sense of what is likely to happen at the January FWC meeting:

1) Staff will summarize comments on the draft policy that were received at the December Commission meeting and during the 30-day public comment period.
2) The public will have the opportunity to provide comments on the draft policy.
3) Staff will propose enhancements to the draft policy to address the public comments that were received during the December Commission meeting or in the 30-day public comment period.
4) Commissioners will propose enhancements to the draft policy to address public comments received up to that time.
5) The Commission will agree upon any enhancements or options they would like included in the draft Policy.
6) If there are substantive changes or options identified for consideration, the Commission may request that the Policy be put out for a second 30-day public comment period.

Edited by Rivrguy (12/14/13 12:11 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in