From WDF&W Willapa Commercial Season

July 28, 2014

To Interested Parties:

This letter is to inform you of commercial salmon gillnet fishery regulations in Willapa Bay during 2014.

Please be aware that not all commercial fishing areas are open during each opener and that the area around the North River (see summary of schedule for a specific description of closed area) in area 2T is closed to fishing prior to 6:00 p.m. on September 30, 2014. Retention of sturgeon and steelhead is strictly prohibited. Encounters of sturgeon with tags of any sort should be reported. DO NOT REMOVE tags; carefully obtain and submit information from tags to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 48 Devonshire Rd., Montesano, WA 98563.

During all commercial fishing for salmon in Willapa Bay:
- Commercial fishers MUST:
o Have in their possession a WDFW-issued “fish Friendly” certification card.
o Carry an on-board observer when requested by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to do so.
o Report encounters of green sturgeon through the Quick Report system or to a dealer for reporting. Direct reporting by fishers shall include name of the fisher and vessel #, date, catch area, and number of green sturgeon encountered.

- Wholesale dealers and fishers retailing their fish MUST
o Report purchases of salmon including all “take home” to WDFW by 10:00 A.M. of the day following the commercial landing. The quick reporting requirement does not preclude the obligation of buyers to report catches on fish tickets. A copy of the “Statewide Quick Reporting Summary Sheet” can be downloaded on our website at: Dealers should use the “buyer only” portion of the fish ticket to list the number of green sturgeon encountered with any landing and in the pounds/price columns label as ‘encountered’.

These regulations are subject to change based on in-season information. You are advised to verify schedules and regulations on the WDFW hotline at (360) 902-2500 or (360) 249-4628 before fishing. You may obtain a copy of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) for this fishery at .

This letter and other relevant information regarding this fishery are available on the WDFW website at For additional information or questions, please contact Barbara McClellan at (360) 249-1213 at the Region 6 Montesano office.

Summer Fishery (openers occurring between July 22 and August 15 annually):
6:00 a.m. August 12, 2014 through 6:00 p.m. August 15, 2014; Areas 2N, 2T (excluding North River closure area), and 2U ONLY. Retention of any species other than coho, Chinook, and chum is prohibited; 9-inch maximum mesh size.

Fall Fishery (openers occurring between August 16 and November 30 annually):
Gear restrictions:
- Openers occurring prior to 7:00 a.m. September 8 the maximum mesh size is 9 inches.
- Openers occurring between 12:01 p.m. September 8 and November 30 the maximum mesh size is 6 ½ -inches.
Area restrictions:
- No openers will occur in areas 2K and 2P during 2014.
- During the fall season no openers are scheduled in Areas 2M, 2R, and 2T until 6:00 p.m. September 15.
- Area 2T north of a line from Toke Point channel marker 3 easterly through Willapa Harbor channel marker 13 (green), then northeasterly to the power transmission pole located at 46°43.1907'N; 123°50.83134'W), is closed to fishing prior to 6:00 p.m. September 30.
- Each week from September 15 through October 3 Areas 2M, 2N, 2R, and 2T close at 6:00 p.m. Friday evening; each of these weeks 2U closes one day prior at 6:00 p.m. Thursday evening each week (September 18, September 25 and October 2).

Mark selective fishery and recovery box requirements:
- From 12:01 p.m. September 8 through 12:00 p.m. (noon) September 22, 2014.
o Soak time is limited to 45 minutes during any set.
o Recovery boxes are required and must be operated when gear is being retrieved and when a wild (unmarked) Chinook or steelhead is being held to recover.
o All wild (unmarked) Chinook and all steelhead MUST be placed in an operating recovery box and remain until they are not lethargic and not bleeding; ALL wild (unmarked) Chinook are required to be released.
o Regulation Compliance Incentive Day, please be aware that an opening noon September 21 - noon September 22 may occur provided that compliance as accessed during previous days fishery openings exceeds 90%, this day will be implemented by e-rule.

Atlantic Salmon
Wholesale dealers and fishers are asked to contact the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife should Atlantic salmon be taken during any fishery in Washington waters. Please notify the appropriate WDFW staff member of when and where the fish was encountered or contact Fish Program in Olympia at (360) 902-2700.

2014 Summary of Willapa Bay Summer and Fall Commercial Gillnet Fisheries
This summary sheet is provided as a courtesy for use as a quick reference and does not fully describe 2014 rules. For additional information or questions, contact Barbara McClellan at #360-249-1213 or Mike Scharpf at #360-249-1205.

The following are in effect for ALL commercial openers in Willapa Bay:

• Retention of STURGEON is PROHIBITED. ALL encounters MUST be reported to Wholesale Buyer or Quick Reporting
• For QUICK REPORTING (by 10am the day following landing), NOTICE OF INTENT, and reporting GREEN STURGEON ENCOUNTERS: Fax 360-249-1229; telephone 1-866-791-1280; email
• Notice of Intent to fish any opener during 2014 is REQUIRED by August 5, 2014.
• All participants MUST have attended a "Fish Friendly" best fishing practices workshop and have their department-issued certification card in their immediate possession.

Date and Time Area Mesh size stretched Requirements and gear restrictions:
6:00 AM, Aug. 12 through 6 PM, Aug. 15, 2014 2N, 2T (except those waters north of a line from Toke Point channel marker 3 easterly through Willapa Harbor channel marker 13 (green) then northeasterly to the power transmission pole located at 46° 43.1907’ N, 123° 50.83134’ W), and 2U 9-inch maximum


7:00 PM, Aug. 25 through 7:00 AM, Aug. 26, 2014,
7:00 PM, Sept. 1 through 7:00 AM, Sept. 2, 2014,
7:00 PM, Sept. 7 through 7:00 AM, Sept. 8, 2014.
2N and 2U 9-inch maximum
7:00 PM, Sept. 8 through 7:00 AM, Sept. 9, 2014,
7:00 PM, Sept. 9 through 7:00 AM, Sept. 10, 2014,
7:00 PM, Sept. 10 through 7:00 AM, Sept. 11, 2014,
7:00 PM, Sept. 14 through 7:00 AM, Sept. 15, 2014. 2N and 2U 6 ½ -inch maximum RELEASE ALL WILD (UNMARKED) CHINOOK AND STURGEON

Live boxes are REQUIRED to be used on-board

Soak times are limited to 45 minutes (from gear entering the water until fully removed)
Continued on next page

Date and Time Area Mesh size stretched Requirements and gear restrictions:
6:00 PM, Sept. 15 through 6:00 PM, Sept. 19, 2014,
2M, 2N, 2R, and 2T (except those waters north of a line from Toke Point channel marker 3 easterly through Willapa Harbor channel marker 13 (green) then northeasterly to the power transmission pole located at 46° 43.1907’ N, 123° 50.83134’ W) 6 ½ -inch maximum RELEASE ALL WILD (UNMARKED) CHINOOK AND STURGEON

Live boxes are REQUIRED to be used on-board

Soak times are limited to 45 minutes (from gear entering the water until fully removed)
6:00 PM, Sept. 15 through 6:00 PM, Sept. 18, 2014,
2U 6 ½ -inch maximum
6:00 PM, Sept. 22 through 6:00 PM, Sept. 26, 2014,
6:00 PM, Sept. 28 through 6:00 PM, Sept. 30, 2014
2M, 2N, 2R, and 2T (except those waters north of a line from Toke Point channel marker 3 easterly through Willapa Harbor channel marker 13 (green) then northeasterly to the power transmission pole located at 46° 43.1907’ N, 123° 50.83134’ W) 6 ½ -inch maximum

6:00 PM, Sept. 22 through 6:00 PM, Sept. 25, 2014,
6:00 PM, Sept. 28 through 6:00 PM, Oct. 2, 2014

2U 6 ½ -inch maximum


6:00 PM, Sept. 30 through 6:00 PM, Oct. 3, 2014,
2M, 2N, 2R, and 2T 6 ½ -inch maximum
6:00 PM, Oct. 4 through 6:00 PM, Oct. 7, 2014,

12 AM, Midnight, Nov. 2 through 11:59 PM, Nov. 7, 2014,
12 AM, Midnight, Nov. 10 through 11:59 PM, Nov. 14, 2014
12 AM, Midnight, Nov. 17 through 11:59 PM, Nov. 19, 2014. 2M, 2N, 2R, 2T, and 2U 6 ½ -inch maximum

Edited by Rivrguy (07/28/14 03:12 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in