I have gotten some questions on the closure so I will try to get a bit clearer without writing a book. Springers in July are pretty much through tidewater from the South Elma bridge down. There are still always a few coming but they are moving and do not hang around much. Above South Elma bridge to Porter some stop and start staging up but the number is small and last time I tried to get the information on that subject I was stone walled and referred to the Chehalis Flood Authority. Oh Region 6 has the information as they let it slip at a NOF meeting this year. Thing is using a good fish finder running hole to hole you will find the fish so with holding the information is simply silly.

Now above Porter it is a bit of different story as they do start to park ( stage ) and your really in the areas particularly on the tribs and upper mainstem. Above Porter is always closed to later in the fall salmon season compared to Porter down stream for this reason. Thing is the trout fishers do not come into contact with Springers very often if at all as you have to bait up for Chinook not a small spinner or trolling a worm. Flows have zip to do with this and it is more about a staffer being ticked that some folks screw with springers on the Skook while fishing other species. Then you have the bandits but frankly a snagger is not going to be in tide water or even below Porter on Springers. That being the case one might casually suggest that enforcement actually do their jobs. Just easier to put out BS on flows screw everyone I guess.

Adding a little, yes low flows effect salmon in the juvenile rearing areas. Adults yes but only if the rains do not show until late in the third week of November or later, resulting in the Chinook spawning lower in the river. As to the Skook, unless the lake behind the dam went dry flows are not a issue. In fact the reason Springers were not mitigated for was that the augmented flows the dam would provide in summer months would produce a vibrant Springer population. Like I said honesty is in short supply.

Edited by Rivrguy (07/04/19 08:28 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in