Well here is something I find interesting. This link https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2tWjgmgVy3yT18zcktaQThHX0k/edit is to a spread sheet for Grays Harbor 2013 dated April 4th 2013 if I remember correctly and has the QIN proposed 2013 netting season. NOW THIS IS THE FIRST RUN NOT THE FINAL SO THE NUMBERS MAY HAVE AND IN FACT HAVE CHANGED. You will need to down load the spread sheet to get it fully functional and head to the page labeled MGMT Summary. What you will see is if it had been adopted along with WDF&W's proposed seasons the Chinook escapement would have been minus 1998 for a escapement of 10366 which is well below 12364. This was with NT Nets at 14 days with a 14.7% mortality for the released wild Chinook. The CR 102 Supplemental ( WAC ) modeled 7 days at 25% but I do not remember the impacts on the states side changing much.

So the read I get from the status of April when the QIN came to the table is that neither Chinook or Chum will make escapement on the Chehalis if both QIN and State fish their respective proposed schedules. Oh yeah almost forgot, the model spread sheet was obtained in a PDR request attached to a e mail. WDF&W Region 6 staff have refused to release the 2013 model with the QIN commercial schedule.

Here are the thoughts of another who reviewed the sheet:

It was interesting.

Comparing the total GH harvest of both Wild and Hatchery for the Quin April
4 schedule with the final Tangle net NT schedule gets the following percentage of the total harvest:
Quin Chinook = 65.9%
Quin Coho = 57.1%
Quin Chum = 72.4%

I used total harvest because the NT and the Quin do not count the same way when allocating fish between rivers. The Quinn are just by location fished while the NT use CWT splits at each location.

I think the Quin net days are about the same as last year, at least in Sept and Oct. The Quin intend to take nearly the total harvestable Chum again and we plan to harvest another 3,607 NT Chum

Edited by Rivrguy (09/07/13 05:07 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in